First of all, what the heck is psychographics?
It sounds smarter and scarier than it actually is. Psychographics is the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria.
In layman’s terms, it’s the big “WHY” behind what makes consumers purchase something. Psychographics focus on thoughts and emotions that influence their decision-making.
By doing market research on your audience’s patterns, conversations, and interests, you’ll get a better idea about WHY they do what they do. Then, you’ll be able to write copy that is precisely for them.
Buyer persona ain’t enough, honey
We, of course, need to know our buyer persona and market research helps us with that. You’ll need to gather demographics, who they follow on social, what they are interested in on social media, and (just because) what kind of coffee they like.
While many of those things influence the type of life your consumer lives, it’s not really helpful to know that Copywriting Clara loves Red Rooster Coffee if you don’t know what leads her to that decision to purchase coffee only from Red Rooster.

“Psychographics speaks more to an attitude, a lifestyle.” -Richard Hayne
So maybe Clara doesn’t like large franchises like Dunkin or Starbucks and that’s why she’s chosen to drink exclusively from Red Rooster. Maybe it’s that they have a different vibe and offer different service.
Red Rooster has done their research. They know that their customer’s loyalty lies in the little things. They want a soft atmosphere, somewhere that allows them to bring their dogs in…they want friendly service, and they enjoy neat spaces to sit and drink coffee.
For this reason, they need a place like Red Rooster that offers all of that.
Do we need more qualitative data then?
You bet!
but wait, what is qualitative data?
Qualitative data is data that is not easily reduced to numbers. Qualitative data tends to answer the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of a circumstance, rather than questions of ‘how many’ or ‘how much’.
So, the perfect combination for you to conduct market research on brands and consumers is this:
Combine qualitative psychographic data with quantitative demographic data.
You’ll really get to know your consumer when you collect this type of data…the type of data that looks beyond age, weight, or job status into habits, beliefs, and behaviors. Knowing these things will help you customize your copywriting directly to specific buyer personalities.
When you do this, they will feel like they’ve just talked to their best friend after coming across your ad, social media, or website.
Which is what we wantttt!

How do you find psychographic data?
You grab your digger pick, roll up your sleeves, and start mining for reviews, surveys, and testimonials.
And I mean, Google is never a bad option either.
Even if you’re currently without consumers…Google Business, Facebook, and other social media can be an an adequate way to learn about your consumers.
Do some keyword research on websites they visit and social media platforms they’re on that are relevant to your product or service.
You can make surveys fun. Create something interactive and fun for your email list (or you can use a paid platform, but, let’s not jump the gun yet.)
But here’s a little tip…grab their attention on your “thank you” page. Set up a survey that displays on your thank you page and they are more likely to click!
While surveys are helpful and can provide a wealth of information for your website or sales page, interviews will be a gold mine!
If you’re asking your client or consumer questions, make sure to ask open-ended questions. If you don’t, you risk putting words in their mouth or twisting their meaning accidentally. The goal is to have your consumer say as much as possible.
Now what?
You’ve gotten all your data…
but…what do you do with it?
Evaluate it
Lay out everything you’ve collected and sort through it to collect any similar ideas.
Things like:
- What do your consumers love about your service?
- What do they not like?
- Did they have objections before buying? What were they?
- How does your service improve their lives?
Look for similarities in all of the responses and listen for anything that stands out to use in your copy.
Simply use it
Once you have all of your research and data sorted, you can start start segmenting it based on your consumers lifestyle and personalities. Focus on their desires, needs, and objections and you’ll realize your copywriting will convert better.
Because they’re all tailored exactly to what your consumer cares about.
Don’t forget!
Use the psychographic data you’ve gathered and put a dash in your copy.
the more your consumer sees themselves in your copy…the more likely they are to purchase.
Need more copywriting info? Check out my favorite copywriting tips here!