What Is Digital Copywriting? (And Why You Needed It Yesterday)

Ever scrolled through your social media feed and suddenly found yourself itching to buy that random gadget you didn’t even know existed five minutes ago? Or maybe you’ve caught yourself nodding along to a sales page, feeling like it somehow just gets you?

Well, THAT was you experiencing the power of digital copywriting in action.

If you’re ready to grow your business with proven strategies and storytelling formulas, I’m breaking down what digital copywriting is and how to use it to your advantage in this blog post!

So, What Is Digital Copywriting?

Digital copywriting is the art and science of crafting words that make people click, connect, and ultimately take action.

Good copywriting persuades your target audience to go from “Meh, maybe later” to “Shut up and take my money!” so you can grow your business and impact.

But the truth is, digital copywriting isn’t just about selling stuff. It’s about connecting, engaging, and building relationships with your audience. It’s about speaking to humans and making them feel like you get them and their struggles + desires.

Ultimately, digital copywriting is a wild blend of buyer psychology, creative thinking, and strategy.

So no, it’s not enough for a digital copywriter to just have “strong writing skills” – there’s much more to it than that.

The Evolution of Digital Copywriting

It’s possible to make a claim that copywriting, in some shape or form, has probably existed since the dawn of time.

Storytelling is in human nature, so it’s safe to say that people have used words to persuade and elicit emotion since…well, forever.

But the modern English-language copywriting and content writing took root in the late 19th century. As mass production took off and competition grew fierce, businesses realized they needed more than just a product – they needed persuasion.

Enter John E. Powers, often hailed as the world’s first full-time copywriter. He wrote ads for Wanamaker’s department store, championing a revolutionary approach: honest, straightforward language that focused on the customer’s needs.

Source: Wikipedia.

Fast forward to today, digital marketing has changed, and, naturally, digital copywriters have to adapt. Here are the things to pay attention to:

  • Speed: You’ve got practically nanoseconds to grab your audience’s attention. Okay, I may be exaggerating, but it’s still only 7 to 30 seconds depending on the platform you’re using. Digital copy needs to pack a punch, and every word must earn its place.
  • Format: Whether you’re creating social media posts or website content, focus on writing copy that’s short, snappy, and designed to be scanned by busy eyes.
  • Interactivity: Digital copywriting is meant to be clicked, shared, and responded to in real time. It’s not a monologue. Your reader should engage and become part of your story.
  • Data-driven: You don’t have to shoot in the dark and hope for the best. Thanks to analytics, digital copywriters can see exactly what works and what doesn’t so your written content can be refined and improved.

Overall, modern digital copywriting is a delicate balance of creativity, data, emotion, and analytics.

Why Digital Copywriting Matters Now More Than Ever

Remember the good old days when you could slap a “Buy Now!” button on a website page and watch the sales roll in? Yeah, those days are long gone. The digital world has evolved, and your messaging has to change, too.

88% of consumers are more likely to resonate with a brand that is authentic.

If your message is stale, robotic, or inconsistent, it’s going to be really hard to convert modern consumers into paying customers.

But if your online content truly connects with your potential clients and speaks to them at the right point in their customer journey? Well, you’re bound to start getting those Stripe notifications ASAP!

Digital Copywriting Formats

Your small business will most likely need different types of digital copywriting. Here are the popular copywriting formats in the creative industry:

  • Website Copy: From your homepage to your about page, every word should be working hard to keep visitors engaged and moving towards your goal. Learn more about writing psychology-driven website copy.
  • Social Media Posts: Whether it’s a LinkedIn update or an Instagram caption, social media copy needs to spark – and sustain – engagement in the fast-paced world.
  • Email Marketing: Subject lines that beg to be opened + body copy that keeps them reading = more revenue and sales! Avoid these 5 horrid email marketing mistakes.
  • SEO Copywriting (Blog Posts and Articles): Long-form educational content that entertains and (subtly) sells while boosting your brand’s visibility on search engines.
  • Ad Copy: To grab attention and drive immediate action.
  • Sales Pages: A great sales page blends a compelling narrative with proven buyer psychology strategies.
  • Product Descriptions: A great product description paints a picture, tells a story, and makes the reader feel like they can’t live without the product.

If you need any of these types of digital copywriting, consider working with a digital content writer. Digital copywriting is a skill that’s hard to DIY!

How to Write Digital Copy That Converts

Alright, time to spill the secret sauce. If you’re ready to create high-quality content and copy, here are my best tips as a digital copywriter who’s worked with brands like Dove, Lufthansa Airlines, and The Real Housewives.

Know Your Audience

Here’s one of the most important copywriting rules: you’ve got to know who you’re talking to. And I don’t mean just their age and location. I’m talking about diving deep into their psyche.

What keeps them up at night? What do they dream about? Who are your potential customers and clients as PEOPLE?

Write like you’re having a one-on-one convo with your target audience at a coffee shop. That’s how you create copy that feels like mind-reading!

Pack a Punch with Your Headlines

Your headlines have seconds to make an impression before your potential customers bounce.

Don’t be afraid to be bold, ask questions, or even ruffle a few feathers. “You’re doing it wrong” is way more clickable than “5 tips for improvement.”

Just make sure you can back it up with your content. Nobody likes a clickbait catfish!

Scannable Content Is Your Best Friend

Here’s a fun fact: most people don’t read online, they scan. In fact, research shows that the average user reads at most 20 to 28 percent of words during a visit.

So, make your copy scan-friendly. Break up your text with subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.

Plus, front-load your content. Put the juicy bits right at the start. If your readers only skim the first line of each paragraph, they should still get the gist!


Search engine optimization, or SEO, helps you get more eyeballs on your brand.

When you write in a way that communicates to Google that your content is valuable, it makes it appear higher on search engine pages.

The result? More people find your brand!

SEO is a fantastic marketing tool, but remember that you’re not writing for Google. You’re writing for humans who use Google. Don’t overpower your content with keywords and focus on providing value!

The Impact of Good (and Bad) Digital Copywriting on Businesses

When your digital copywriting is done well, the ROI can be impressive. Think, higher conversion rates, increased customer loyalty, and more sales. Here are a few examples from our Portfolio!

Revival Beauty Tools

Noel is the faith-driven Founder of Revival Beauty Tools. She’s on a mission to empower women to feel beautiful, powerful, and revived every single day. But how do you sell beauty tools without sounding like every other beauty brand out there?

Noel needed website copy that spoke her heart and mission. She wanted to go beyond the product and capture the essence of Revival Beauty – a brand rooted in faith and a real understanding of women’s struggles.

So, we crafted copy that didn’t just describe brushes but painted a transformation. This digital copy spoke to the busy mom, the ambitious entrepreneur, and the woman taking much-needed ‘me time.’ It didn’t just sell a product but invited women into a movement.

The results?

  • An amazing $14,800+ launch
  • Over 400 beauty tools sold
  • Complete return on investment
  • A whopping 1800 website clicks on launch day
  • Email list growth of 300 subscribers

Not bad, huh?! 😉

Skin Center of Florida™

Skin Center of Florida™ is a well-established dermatology practice that was founded in 1989. When we connected, they were facing an important moment of change. They were acquired by Dr. Akhil Gupta and had to introduce a new owner, maintain the trust of existing patients, and attract new ones – all while opening a new location.

Our digital copywriting strategy was to blend the old with the new. We needed to communicate the expansion without losing the personal touch.

The results?

  • Within just one month of launching the new website, Skin Center of Florida™ successfully opened its second in-person location.
  • They managed to clearly communicate their new direction and introduce the new owner without losing an ounce of their hard-earned brand credibility.
  • The website copy effectively conveyed their dual strengths: top-notch medical expertise and aesthetic enhancement.

Skin Center of Florida™ loved their website copy, and so did we!

Sarah Dandashy

Sarah Dandashy is a former award-winning Les Clefs d’Or concierge and a travel expert. Sarah was launching her book, “Hospitality From Within,” and needed a marketing message that would do justice to her expertise and the book’s value.

In the launch copy, we showcased Sarah’s authority in the hospitality industry and highlighted her Les Clefs d’Or background and work with top travel brands.

The results?

  • A jaw-dropping 26.88% conversion rate
  • Over 1,200 books sold in the initial launch

It just goes to show: that when your digital copywriting truly captures your unique value and speaks directly to your audience, you’re bound to see high sales.

What to Look for in a Digital Copywriter

So, you’re convinced you need a digital copywriter. But how do you find the right one? Here’s a checklist:

  • Skills and Qualifications: Look for someone with a strong grasp of language, obviously. But also keep an eye out for certifications in digital marketing, copywriting, and psychology.
  • Experience and Portfolio: Ask to see examples of the digital copywriter’s work to get a sense of their skill and talent. Here’s our Portfolio!
  • Digital Marketing Savvy: Your freelance writer should be well-versed in SEO, social media algorithms, and email marketing metrics.
  • Research Skills: Great copywriters are also great researchers. They should be able to dive deep into your industry and understand your audience.
  • Strong Values: Look for someone who cares about outcomes, not just word count.

If you think we might be a match, learn more about our digital copywriting services.

Digital Copywriting Services for Brands That Make a Difference

So, now you know that digital copywriting isn’t just stringing pretty words together.

It’s an art and science that combines a deep understanding of your audience, strong messaging, and a drive to take action.

Learn more about our copywriting services or get in touch

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Go ahead, treat yourself 

We created this piece to be a reminder that, no matter what we're doing: our words matter. We can’t live a meaningful life or run a successful business without positive words. And the words we use can make or break us. So, grab a piece and allow yourself to be inspired and reminded that...your words matter.


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