take your audience from Point A to Point Buyer

Whether you’re searching for a how-to on strategically marketing your services, launching your first course, promoting a group coaching program, or tips to DIY your copy– you’ll wanna bookmark this page.

(and did we mention we’ll have a little fun around here, too? Hellooo relatable lifestyle content)

Practical tips to sharpen 
your copywriting skills

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Ever scrolled through your social media feed and suddenly found yourself itching to buy that random gadget you didn’t even know existed five minutes ago? Or maybe you’ve caught yourself nodding along to a sales page, feeling like it somehow just gets you? Well, THAT was you experiencing the power of digital copywriting in action. […]

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Wondering why you need website copywriting tips? Imagine this: you’ve finally captured the attention of a potential client. They’ve followed your meticulously crafted marketing funnel and landed right on your website. But then something happens. They start reading your website copy, and suddenly, they’re not so sure. Their excitement starts to fade, and before you […]

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So, you’ve landed here because you wanted to know more about copywriting for small businesses. Well, as an entrepreneur, it’s your not-so-secret weapon for more connection and revenue. Let me explain why! Effective copywriting can make your brand stand out, engage your audience, and drive conversions. Imagine a prospective client or customer landing on your […]

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Figuring out how to write a website is challenging, to say the least. You’re staring at a blank Google Doc. It’s staring back at you. You’ve been trying to write your website content for the last few hours, but nothing seems to flow. Ugh. This struggle is common for business owners who want to write […]

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Before we get to the nitty-gritty, let’s get our definitions straight. What exactly is sales copy? It’s not just random text on a page or an academic essay. Sales copy is the persuasive language that convinces people to take action, whether it’s clicking a button, making a purchase, or getting in touch with you. It’s […]

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Let’s be honest.  Your sales page is one of the most important puzzle pieces of your launch.  Whether you’re launching a new course or selling a product, your sales page is THE place where your audience makes the decision to buy…or not!  Copywriters everywhere want you to know that it’s a great idea to start […]

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If you’re thinking of DIY-ing your copy, I want to share my best copywriting tips to help you craft a message that grabs your reader’s attention and turns them into a paying client or customer. Don’t worry; this article is NOT going to be a collection of boring writing rules. We’re diving elbows deep into […]

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The global wellness industry is projected to grow at a whopping 8.6% average annual growth, reaching $8.5 trillion in 2027. This means that to grow your brand, health and wellness copywriting should take absolute priority on your agenda. It’s how you’re going to color outside the lines and make your brand voice HEARD! Yet, in […]

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As a therapist, your website is arguably the most important tool to attract clients for your private practice. Chances are, you’ve written a ton in your professional life. But now that you’re attempting to crack copywriting for therapists you’re feeling…stuck. As in: you’d much rather spend your day writing an academic paper (or even your […]

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Contrary to popular belief, human beings are not the most logical creatures. Emotional factors play a huge role in how humans make decisions, especially when it comes to purchasing goods and services. Why do buyers sometimes prefer to get a more expensive product or service instead of the cheaper alternative? Why do they sometimes feel […]

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Research shows that 95% of purchasing decisions are irrational, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t influence them. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.  Marketing psychology is the art & science of taking what we know about human behavior and applying these psychological principles to marketing campaigns. Understanding how your consumers think, feel, and react […]

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Let’s not beat around the bush: if your copy is not generating you revenue, it needs some TLC, stat. Every piece of copy’s main objective is to sell, whether it’s a sales page that’s directly promoting your product or service or a social media caption that’s building trust with your audience and selling your brand […]

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You’ve taken a big leap and finally launched your own copywriting business. But now you’re wondering:  “Where the heck do I find copywriting clients?!”  If you’ve ever Googled “how to find clients for copywriting,” you’ve probably come across a ton of advice, and some of it ended up being prettyyyy confusing & contradictory. The truth […]

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The happiest place on Earth. The ultimate driving machine. Finger lickin’ good. Just do it.  These are just some examples of brand taglines that can claim responsibility for billions of dollars in revenue because of how they capture brand identity and make it stand out from the crowd.  Taglines are just a few words long, […]

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After your Home Page, your About Page is the most frequently visited page on your entire website.  Let that sink in.  In a survey by KoMarketing, 52% of respondents said that the first thing they want to see on a website is the About Page.  In other words… Over half of your website traffic may […]

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“Email marketing is dead.”  You’ve probably heard this one before… …so you’ve been hesitant about leaning deeper into your email list and using it to grow your impact.  The truth is, email marketing being “dead” is probably one of the biggest email marketing myths out there (along with five others, which I’m going to bust […]

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The fear of missing out — or FOMO – is inherent to the human brain.  No one likes feeling that they’ve been left behind. The desire to get ahead, fear of regret, and not wanting to miss out on amazing opportunities are mega-powerful behavior drivers.  In fact, 69% of millennials report regularly experiencing FOMO and […]

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As a creative entrepreneur or a small business owner, you want to squeeze as many complete tasks into your day as possible… …WITHOUT it draining your energy or leading you to burnout.  There are all kinds of “productivity hacks” floating around the Internet, telling you the same things you’ve heard over and over again:  “Delete […]

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Brand consistency can increase your revenue by up to 20%. Yet, brand copywriting is one of the most underrated types of copywriting, with 77% of brands pushing out off-brand content… …which means that prioritizing brand copywriting in your business can give you an edge over competitors.  The truth is, brand messaging is the foundation on […]

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Copywriting is all about convincing your target audience to buy.  But, (un)surprisingly, the best way to grab your target audience’s attention *isn’t* to list the features of your service or product over and over again… …but to tell a good story.  Research shows that infusing your copy with storytelling can help you to:  So, what […]

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Your ideal clients get bombarded with offers to buy multiple times a day. So, how do you make your program or course stand out?  Your message.  If you’ve ever read a sales page so good, it made you secretly wish it was yours, you’re already familiar with the power of good copywriting.  But how do […]

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Building a memorable brand from the ground up is hard work.  From designing your logo to figuring out your brand voice, there are so many decisions you have to make to define your brand and make it stand out from the crowd.  When starting a brand from scratch, many entrepreneurs and business owners immediately focus […]

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Social proof is one of the most powerful ways to showcase your expertise and convince potential customers to invest in your product or service.  But getting testimonials from clients is not always easy.  Have you ever agonized over a carefully worded testimonial request email only to get a generic response back (aka “everything was great!”)… […]

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Do you want to launch an online copywriting business?  It’s no secret that copywriting is booming.  Everyone, from huge brands like Nike and Apple to your local coffee shop, needs good copy to market their business, increase their sales, and stand out from competitors.  In fact, the demand for copywriters is predicted to grow by […]

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Contrary to popular belief, content writing and copywriting are VERY different beasts… …but they’re both key to running a successful business.  Copywriting is the art and science of strategically persuading your target audience with words to take action, whether it’s opting into a free email list or investing in a thousand dollar course.  Copy can […]

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How do you break into copywriting? It starts with your very first client.  But the problem is, that first client is usually the hardest one to get.  (But it gets SO much easier after that — I promise!)  So, where ARE those potential clients hiding?  Here are the exact strategies I used to get copywriting […]

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Copywriting is one of the best investments you can make in your business.  From creating a strong emotional connection with your audience to establishing your brand as an undeniable authority… …words can pretty much do it all!  But for words to do their magic, it’s important to avoid common mistakes in copywriting — and sometimes […]

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Tracking and assessing your email marketing analytics is the best way to get to know your email list, figure out where your email marketing strategies do a fantastic job and where they fall short, and come up with a solid plan for the future.  As a copywriter, I often get asked about how to improve […]

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Building genuine, long-term relationships with your clients isn’t only fulfilling…  It also brings in repeat business and new referrals– two of the best ways to create sustainable revenue in your business.  In fact, almost 65% of a company’s business comes from repeat customers, according to SmallBizGenius.  If your customers fall in love with not only […]

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Writing your website copy can feel like trying to put pieces of a GIANT puzzle together.  You want to share ALLLL the important info about your business — without it coming off messy or confusing.  If you’re finding yourself Googling things like “business website checklist,” “website copy best practices,” and “things to do before launching […]

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Your website is the HEART of your brand — so you want it to stand out from the crowd. If you’re launching a new business website and spending the wee hours obsessively Googling stuff like “things a good website should have,” “what am I forgetting to put on my website,” and “what should a website […]

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Here’s a plot twist —  You can have the smartest social media strategy out there… …but if your social media copywriting falls short, even the brightest ideas won’t bring you the content marketing results you want. What Is Social Media Copywriting? Social media copywriting is a WHOLEEE different animal when compared with more long-form copy […]

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As a copywriter, you should always have a couple of magic tools up your sleeve… …and Dubsado is one of my favorite ones!  Dubsado is a client management platform that makes it SUPER easy to:  ✓ Dazzle your new leads with your sales process  ✓ Make your clients feel like real VIPs during onboarding ✓ […]

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You may have heard that copywriting is important for your business… …but WHY is that exactly?  The truth is, copywriting is way more than just putting words on a page — and copywriters are not just “good writers.”  When done well, copywriting can help you to:  ✓ Sell more of your product or service  ✓ […]

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Thinking about becoming a copywriter?  I don’t blame you.  Copywriting is a highly sought-after skill and the demand for copywriters is only going to continue to grow — by 7.6% by 2026, to be exact.  Plus, being a copywriters comes with world-class benefits such as:  ✓ Working remotely  ✓ Collaborating with diverse clients  ✓ Digging […]

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You only have seven seconds to make a first impression… …and that includes your email marketing strategy!  You probably already know that you need to “nurture” your email subscribers to make them want to buy from you.  But did you know that the leads who are MOST likely to invest in your product or service […]

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Selling as an introvert can feel like a real challenge.  It often feels SO unnatural and uncomfortable to “have a sales conversation.”  And don’t even get me started on things like cold calling/emailing and making small talk. Ew, David.  Although I’m extremely extroverted, I find myself having introverted moments in business that make me want […]

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You’ve probably heard the words “Search Engine Optimization,” SEO,” and “keyword research”… …but what the heck do they actually mean?!  The truth is, SEO is one of the most important things you can do for your business to ensure long-term, sustainable growth.  With the right strategy, your SEO-optimized content can turn into a virtually passive […]

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Want to grow your copywriting business or maybe you have to write a lot of copy as a part of your digital marketing role?  Then, you need to have the right tools.  As a copywriter, I’ve tried and tested a TON of different online writing tools that help with everything from spelling and grammar to […]

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Copywriters are like a cult… Okay, that’s a bit dramatic…but we really want to teach you how to do your copy the most effective way possible. And first, it’s understanding that copywriting and content are not the same thing. They complement each other, sure…but they both serve two different purposes. Copywriting is used to move […]

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First of all, what the heck is psychographics? It sounds smarter and scarier than it actually is. Psychographics is the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria. In layman’s terms, it’s the big “WHY” behind what makes consumers purchase something. Psychographics focus on thoughts and emotions that influence […]

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To have the most efficient online marketing, you cannot sleep on copywriting. Conversion copywriting involves getting people to take action…you’re writing in a way that moves them to the exact action you’re wanting them to take. If you think you can just Google “how to become a copywriter” or “how to write good copy” and […]

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This is hefty. Don’t freak your little self out. Read in chunks, think about it, and come back to it as you can. Understanding the buyer journey will help every stage of your funnel. When you have a real understanding of each stage and each milestone, you’ll get better at successfully taking each person through […]

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I can’t think of a better way to start my lifestyle blog than to talk about something I struggle with daily….anxiety. The big ole, A word. The word that some people think is thrown around way too often, while others think it’s not talked about enough. Chances are, you’ve said “I have anxiety” or “I’m […]

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In this FREE copywriting guide, you’ll discover my proven method for triggering emotions in your copy and the essential techniques for building trust and credibility with your audience. Plus, learn psychological strategies for creating urgency and scarcity, along with powerful persuasion tactics for increasing reader engagement and retention.

Wanna Add more sales psychology to your copy?

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Go ahead, treat yourself 

We created this piece to be a reminder that, no matter what we're doing: our words matter. We can’t live a meaningful life or run a successful business without positive words. And the words we use can make or break us. So, grab a piece and allow yourself to be inspired and reminded that...your words matter.


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